Video Game Programming 11


Course Outline

Video Game Programming 11 at Wellington is a course whose objective is to introduce students to computer programming through video game construction. The programming skills will be taught through game construction and the students will be given credit for Computer Programming 11.

Evaluation: The student will be evaluated based on the projects and assignments that he/she completes. Self Evaluation is a key component. Students will be rewarded for constructing projects that are creative and entertaining. Every assignment will be given a due date and late marks may be deducted if the projects are handed in late.

Attendance: While there are tutorials that are provided for the students, it is very important that students attend for the IN CLASS instruction. Its much easier to learn something new when the class is learning it together rather than on your own.

Introductory Unit

Assignment Name Description

U1A1 Computer Hardware Purchase

Understand the parts of a computer and how they work?

U1A2 What makes a good video game? Individual Powerpoint
U1A3 Career as a Computer/ Video Game Programmer Word Document


Unit 2 First Steps in Programming

Some Resources
Our Textbook
Standard Evaluation Form
Download Unity Here v4.5.0 make sure you get 4.5.0
Download Visual Basic Express Edition 2010 here

Assignment Name



C# Assignments    
U2A1 Hello in 4 languages Write a program that lets you enter your name and then says hello to you in 4 different languages using 4 different buttons

Adequate: 4 different languages...

Good: 4 different languages and use my name

Superior 4 different languages and for one of the languages an if statement that gives a different result for a different name 

U2A2 Calculator

Load this webpage Our Textbook

Choose the section called C# .NET: Variables and complete lesson #15 and #16 to create a single button add calculator

 Adequate: Complete a Single Function "Add Calculator"

Good: Complete "Conditional Logic Lessons #1 and #2 and create a calculator that has +,-,x and / functions

Superior: Research the Square Root Function and the exponent function to make them work as well on your calculator

U2A3 Area and Perimeter Calculator Write a program so the user can enter the length(cm) and width(cm) of a rectangle.

Program Function



 (Adequate 4 marks)
The program must calculate the area of the rectangle. Area = length * width

The program must calculate the perimeter of the rectangle
Perimeter = 2*l+2*w

Carpet costs $25 per m2. Calculate the cost to carpet your area.
Hint... you must convert the inputed cm to m.

U2A4 Pythagorus. Square Roots and Functions
Create a program that allows you to enter side A and Side B of a right Triangle and have Side C. Solved for.

Adequate. Side C Solved for.....

Good. User can enter any 2 sides and have the other side solved for

Superior. Use Trigonometry to find the height of a building.....remember c# uses radians



Learn Everything Program....In class Guessing Game




U2A5 Grades Grades

Good....Only Calculates the number of students that passed and failed. It should also display the total number of students
Superior (Displays numbers that are A,B,C+,C,C-,F

U2A6 Slot Machine

Mr G is supplying you with a Simple Slot Machine Program. Make it look nice and add coding to it to improve it.

In Mr G's simple slot machine the odds of winning are as follows.

Since there are 3 different pictures in each of the three picture spots there are 3x3x3 possible cominations. There are 3 ways to win... 3 "Bars" in a row or 3 "7's" in a row or 3 "Cherries" in a row...(3 different ways).

So the odds are 3 out of 27 or 1 in 9. (Thats why the slot machine only pays out 8 dollars)

Adequate (4/8) Make a triple combination pay out $8. Keep track of your total money as you play.

Adequate+ (5/8) Keep track of the House money as well. The house can start with a $100 as well.

Good (6/8) Allow the person to bet $1, $2, $5. Have pictures the person can click on to bet.

Good+(7/8) Add another icon. Recalculate the odds of winning and have an appropriate payout

Superior(8/8) Look over this link. Create a Winning Combinations Grid for your slot machines. Have at least 3 differerent types of payouts and adjust your coding to reflect it


If Statement Practice Test    
U2A7 Super Calculator Program See Link  

U2A8 Black Jack Game

Assignment 7

Student Evaluation Sheet

Unity Assignments    
U3A1 2d UFO Tutorial

Complete the 9 videos in the

T:\School Courses\Computer Courses\Unity Tutorials\Beginner 2d UFO
U3A2 Improving the 2d UFO Game Evaluation Sheet
U3A3 MiniGolf or Golf Game

Minigolf Game..

Terrain and Buttons

Using the supplied Unity File create a six hole minigolf course....

MiniGolf Eval
U3A4 Third Person Adventure Game    
Old Unity Assignments... May or may not be used    
U3A4 Two Player Tank Game For the Two Player Player Tank Game we will have to do a planning sheet that will contain a map of the level that we will attempt and predicitions of what artistic and coding elements we will add to the game Game Planning and Evaluation Sheet
U3A5 "Temple Run" style game.

Simplfied Game Document
In the Spirit of Temple Run and Subway Surfer. We are going to create an "Infinite Running Type Game" .

Game Planning Document /10 marks

Game Evaluation Sheet

U3A6 Angry Spheres.....(Birds)

Title Screen... with graphical buttons....(Like "BetterGUIMenu demo)

4 progressing levels where we have a restricted number of shots to crush all the pigs....only advance to next when success occurs........ Replay level...

3 different birds....for top marks
5 different kinds of wall ...for top marks....

Limited Ammo.....




Game Planning Document /10 marks

Game Evaluation

Two Player Tank


  Game Evaluation.
  Final Reflection  

Unit 3 For Loops

U3A1 Add up 100 numbers    
U3A2 Bank Interest.    
U3T1 Multiple Instantiations Moving a Box...
Traps that do various things
Driving a Box
Multiple Drops
U3A3 Ball Rolling Game.....Down hill    

...more to come

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Old Assignments

U2T1 Driving a Cube
Show cube Movement
Timer and Detecting if we hit something
U2A2 Simple Driving Game

Driving Obstacle Game
One Drivable Cube.... /2
A Track with Border.....start finish line...Time
Static Obstacles to avoid /2
Moving Obstacles to avoid. /2
Traps (OnTriggerEnter) /2
Theme /2
Graphical Look /4
Fun Factor /4 .....bored to excited.

(bonus).... Two car keyboard.

Driving Evaluation Sheet


U3A1 Dominoes. Using at least 100 dominoes create a "cool domino fall down"


/2 marks 100 dominoes
/2 at least 2 elevations changes
/2 appropriate speed
/2 colors for dominoes
/2 branching
/2 curved paths
/2 2 other non domino objects involved
/2 lighting and first person controller
/4 coolness and style..... Wow factor....Subjective....

+2 incoorporating amazing creativity

No coding.
Unity Shapes, Rigid Bodies, Constant Forces, Texturing, Lighting and Cameras



Unit 2 Programming Methodology.



Resources and Comments

Due Date

Generating Random Numbers

Instructional 1


If Statements

Instructional 2a


Pass Fail Program

Assignment 1



Instructional 2b


And… Or

Instructional 2c


Airline Shipping

Assignment 2


Flooring Shop Program

Assignment 3



Instructional 2d



Assignment 4

VB Test 5-34


Race Game

Assignment 5

VB Text 5-34


Unit 3 Flash Action Scripting



Due Date

Drawing with Flash Review (Symbols and Layers)

Teacher Instruction


Bank Robbery Setup



Making a Movie with Flash (Tweening)

Teacher Instruction


Superhero Scene



Making Buttons with Flash (buttons and sound)

Teacher Instruction


Alternate Endings



Actionscript Tutorial #1 Properties of Instances Day 1

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #2 Movie Control Day 2

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #3 Dragging and Dropping Movies Day 3

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #4 Keyboard Control Day 4

Teacher Instruction


Amusement Park Assignment



Actionscript Tutorial #5 Following a Mouse

Teacher Instruction


Frogger Game

Frogger Evaluation Form






Unit 4 Programming Structures.



Resources and Comments

Due Date

Multiple Forms

Instructional 3

Pull Down Menus Instructional 4    
Super Calculator Program

Assignment 6


Add up 100 Random Numbers

Assignment 3


Certificate of Deposit Assignment 4    

List Boxes and Combo Boxes




Pizza Place

Assignment 5



Klunker Car Company

Assignment 6








Unit 3 Flash Action Scripting



Due Date

Drawing with Flash Review (Symbols and Layers)

Teacher Instruction


Bank Robbery Setup



Making a Movie with Flash (Tweening)

Teacher Instruction


Superhero Scene



Making Buttons with Flash (buttons and sound)

Teacher Instruction


Alternate Endings



Actionscript Tutorial #1 Properties of Instances Day 1

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #2 Movie Control Day 2

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #3 Dragging and Dropping Movies Day 3

Teacher Instruction


Actionscript Tutorial #4 Keyboard Control Day 4

Teacher Instruction


Amusement Park Assignment



Actionscript Tutorial #5 Following a Mouse

Teacher Instruction


Frogger Game

Frogger Evaluation Form