Black Jack Program




Write a Black Jack…. Its clear and simple… The more realistic you make it , the more marks you get…..

At least 4 forms are expected…. An intro form, the game play form, an about form and an instructions form.

Get the five files that you need to start from T:\school courses\computer courses\cp11\visual basic examples\unit 2\blackjackstart

Copy them into a new folder in your h: drive



/10  Commenting of Code.

          -every subroutine with a comment

          -code grouped in sections with comments

          -comments explaining what is going on throughout program

          -if statements indented properly


/20 User Friendliness


/10 Artistic-  How nice does it look.  Is it easy to read?

/5 Helpful – Are there instructions? Can I learn to play the game? 

/5 Ease of Use – is the game easy to play or do I get lost in the program


/40  Sophistication


/10 Card Display

5 marks Game displays player and computer cards as number

7 marks Game displays player and computer cards as cards with only one suit

10marks Game displays player and computer cards with all 4 suits.


          /5 Initial Deal -Player gets two cards face up, Computer gets 1 card down and 1 card up


          /5 Player can hit or stay at the 3rd 4th and 5th cards


/5 Keeps a running total of Player cards


/5 Computer takes cards at 17 and under and takes a card at 18 or over.


/5 Face Cards are worth 10 (Not 11,12,13)


/5 Aces are worth 1 or 11 (difficult)


/5 Betting.  Keeps track of winnings and amount of betting between rounds.


Bonus Marks.


Poker Chips…  A pile of poker chips of at least 3 denominations where the chips change size depending on how much money you have…


Computer uses the aces properly…(tough)


Two player game (lots of work  finish the one player game first)