And’s and Or’s



Using OR’s with If Statements


Fixing the Problem with the Hint


Here’s the code




Private Sub cmdhint_Click()

'tells user if he is closer or farther away than 30 from the secret number

Dim difference As Integer


difference = guess - secretnumber  'calculates how far the guess is off

Adding OR difference < -30 allows the computer to say that “You’re Cold” as long as one of the comparisons are true


If difference > 30 Or difference < -30 Then  

  lblmessage.Caption = "You're so cold you are freezing"


  lblmessage.Caption = "You're getting warmer"

End If


End Sub


With an OR statement, only one part of the if Statement Need to be True


Using And’s  with If statements.


With an And placed in an If statement both sides of the statement must be true….


Add a variable called cheater to the form level variables as follows


Dim secretnumber As Integer

Dim guess As Integer

Dim cheater As Boolean


Step 1 Give cheater an original value

 In the form load event…. Assign cheater a value of false and if you haven’t typed Randomize Timer.  Do it so the secret numbers will be different all the time


Private Sub Form_Load()

'sets the values of the initial variables

Randomize Timer

cheater = False

End Sub


Step 2  Make the value of cheater change when the “I give up button is pressed”


Private Sub cmdgiveup_Click()

'reveals secret number

txtdisplay = secretnumber

cheater = True     'changes the value of cheater

End Sub


Step 3.  Change the winning if statement to detect if you cheated.



Private Sub txtguess_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

' checks if answer is correct after enter key is hit.


If KeyAscii = 13 Then   'if i hit the enter key

  guess = txtguess.Text     'loads user guess into variable guess

  If guess > secretnumber Then lblmessage.Caption = "Too High"

  If guess < secretnumber Then lblmessage.Caption = "Too Low"

  If guess = secretnumber And cheater = False Then lblmessage.Caption = "You got it right"

  If guess = secretnumber And cheater = True Then lblmessage.Caption = "Doesn't really count if you cheat"

End If


End Sub


Step 4.  If we want to play again we are going to have to change the value of cheater when we generate another number


Private Sub cmdsecret_Click()

'generates a secret number between 0 and 100

cheater = False

secretnumber = Int(Rnd(1) * 101 + 0)

End Sub



So in conclusion…..   With an And both sides of the comparison must be true but with an OR only one side has to be true.