Generating Random Numbers….










Setup the following form with the appropriate labels and textboxes.  Name them as displayed


Understanding the Code.  There are three mini programs on the form separated by lines. Lets look at the first program



Part 1  “Pick a number between 1 and 10”

Here is the code for the button


Private Sub cmdrandom_Click()

'will generate a random number between 1 and 10


The computer will pick 10 random numbers starting with 1 as the lowest value

Dim x As Integer  'holds a random number


x = Int(Rnd(1) * 10 + 1)  ‘generates the random number

                                      ’*10 represents how many numbers in range

                                      ‘+1 represents the lowest value

txtdisplay.Text = x          ‘displays number in text box


End Sub



Part 2 “Getting a Range of Numbers”

Here is the button code


This time I allow the user to decide what the range of the random numbers will be.

Private Sub cmdrange_Click()

'will generate a random number between two entered values

Dim low As Integer

Dim high As Integer

Dim range As Integer

Dim number As Integer


low = txtlow.Text  ‘gets user entered value

high = txthigh.Text

range = high - low + 1   'finds the difference and adds 1

number = Int(Rnd(1) * range + low)   'generates the random number using the variables

lblnumber.Caption = number


End Sub


Part 3 “Getting a Prize

Don’t get frustrated now


Private Sub cmdPrize_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

'will cause button to move to a random location when cursor is over button


Dim xloc As Integer    'xlocation of button

Random Numbers can be fun J

Dim yloc As Integer    'ylocation of button


xloc = Int(Rnd(1) * 4000 + 1) ‘generates a number between 1 and 4000 for x coordinate

yloc = Int(Rnd(1) * 4000 + 1)’ generates a number between 1 and 4000 for y coordinate

cmdPrize.Left = xloc                ‘moves button to xloc

cmdPrize.Top = yloc                ‘moves button to yloc





So every time you move the mouse over the button , the button moves somewhere else and you never get to click on it……J