Materials Editor


So you want to put some nice textures on your objects instead of just a colour.  Simply click M in Max to bring up this


Wow looks intimidating doesn't it.  Well its not that bad.


Notice how the first sample is bordered in white

This means that it is selected.



To get a new material click


This will bring up another screen

Make sure that we are browsing from the material library instead of constructing a new material for now








You should now see


I like changing the settings of these buttons so I can actually see a preview of the materials


I think that this

allows you to see what you are looking at.


For now double click on one of the materials that is created in a sphere

 The first material should now have changed


By clicking and dragging this material to an object you should be able to change the colour of the object.


Hit F9 to see a rendered copy of your object with its new texture


Ugly isn't it.




It is possible to use any internet picture as a material.


Click on an open material slot

Now click on the small grey box to the right of the diffuse



You should now see this

Double click on bit map and then go find the file that you have saved. Double click on the file name and you should see your picture on the material


Just drag it onto your object

And hit f9 to render

Now that’s a cool tea pot